Deja Vase™ UCandle Bouquet ... Always in Bloom All Over Again!©
Enjoy that special flower or bouquet forever!
Enjoy that special flower or bouquet forever!
Why let the bloom from a special bouquet fade away? Keep enjoy it all over again with a Deja Vase™ UCandle Bouquet.
Just send us a picture of your favorite flower, bouquet, or any image that you have permission to use and we will create a custom candle just for you. Images on the rose candles are ©Sara Seymore, used by permission. |
Personal Garden UCandle Bouquet
Bring the outdoors in - put your own garden shot on a UCandle creation.
Shown above: Two sides of the same candle created from shots of flower scenes precious to the recipient. The rose candle was personalized, with the name preceding "Climbing Roses" removed to preserve privacy. The Inner U-Glow™ Shine emanates from the U-Cove Tunnel created by training the candle and placing a battery-powered tealight.
©2011-Present. Kim McCahan Batson, Dèjá UCandle™ Co. and, Chapel Hill, NC. Unless otherwise noted, all photography, text, content, and images are created by and the exclusive property of Kim M. Batson. All rights reserved. Please contact [email protected] for reprint permission.